Chiroqchi City Branding


"Chiroqchi" was one of the titles of ancient Turkic shamans. Until now, the phrase "lighting a lamp" means a ritual for the progress of affairs, the departure of difficulties. It is said that the name of the region depends on it.

In Poyon Ravshan's work "Sahibgiron's birthplace or the story of Zanjirsarai" an interesting idea is given about the origin of the word "Chiroqchi". It is said that Temur's mother went into labor when she was going to Bukhara. Since it was evening, they looked for a quiet place. They saw a light in the distance. When it goes, there was a chayla, and a woman was sitting inside. On this night, in that chayla, Temur was born. As you might have guessed, a village called Chiroqchi will appear here.

Chiroqchi is a district located at the foot of Karatepa mountain, which is the last part of Zarafshan mountain ranges in Kashkadarya region. Since the 17th century, Chiroqchi occupied an area close to the territory of the current district and has been formed as one of the largest begs of the Bukhara Emirate.

In 1920, Bukhara Soviet Republic was included in the Shahrisabz region. It was part of this region until 1926. On September 29, 1926, it was included in the Kashkadarya region. For a short period, from 1962 to 1964, it was merged with Yakkabog district. In 1964, it was established again as a separate district.


The territory of the district is located in the northern part of the region. The relief consists of flat deserts and mountains, rising from the southwest to the northeast. In the south of the district there is the Chimkurgan reservoir. In the northern mountainous zone, there are meadows, in the plains there are typical gray soils, light gray soils, and in the valleys of the gorges there are marshy meadow soils.


The mausoleum of Sheikh Abulhasan was built in different periods. According to some written sources and oral traditions, the mosque was founded by Sheikh Abulhasan at the end of the 14th century. After receiving a letter of guidance from Bukhara, he headed towards this destination. The elder of the sheikh said to him, "Build a mosque in the place where the camel you rode sank for the third time." The camel sank for the last time in the present Langar village, in the place of the mosque, and Sheikh Abulhasan laid the foundation of the mosque there. The local residents became murids of him and helped in the construction of the mosque.

The mosque was built in harmony with the art of architecture of the Islamic world and the crafts of the local people. It is no exaggeration to say that this architectural monument is the only one in Central Asia. The height of the roof of the mosque, the hugeness of the stones placed on its foundation, and the fact that the pillars and timbers do not fit in the lap make it very majestic. Despite the fact that they were built in different periods, the architectural style is similar, they are interconnected and have taken the form of a single building.

When creating the logo, we took into account the above historical information, the location of the area, the nature and the origin of the name. The blue waves in the logo represent the Kashkadarya River, which supplies water to the region passing through the Chiroqchi region.

Bright yellow rays indicate that the area is the sunniest and warmest district in our republic.

Triangular geometric images were used as a symbol of mountainous Uzbekistan and to give meaning to the area behind the pass.

The Client: Chiroqchi

Creative direction: Laziz Hamidov
Art direction: Mirshod Ibrohim
Account direction: Abdulaziz Abbazov
Design: Diyor Rasulov, Abdurahmon Isoqov, Daminov Doston, Bekzod Shermatov
Motion: Mustafo Muhammadov, Ismoilkhon Khusniddinov, Shohrux Saparboyev
Illustration: Mohina Raimova

Chiroqchi City Branding